Wednesday, April 01, 2009

15 and a half weeks

- to go.
I started my Masters Nationals preparation "food manipulation" on Monday. Most people would call if a diet. Typically for me 16 weeks is a bit on the lengthy side to be on a contest diet, but as my knee is having troubles at the moment, and going for my walks is out of the question (psuedo-cardio), I am "fine" with having a lengthier diet.
I started right on 180 this weekend - I think it was 176.8 this morning. Of course, I was up to 187 at one point in February, and got down to 179 for the powerlifting meet. I dieted to about 182, but my nerves ate up about 3 pounds. In fact, I would go so far as to wager that I weighed about 177 on meet day. I went to my parents house after weigh-ins Friday night. I was ready to raid thier refrigerator and food cabinets. But, Alas! The cupboards were bare. So lack of proper fueling and nervousness certainly ate up a couple of additional useful pounds. Then I stabilized through last week, but I do admit - I should have eaten it up a bit more for recovery purposes. For now, it is too late.

Projection is to weigh in at around 155 ish for July 17.

Let's not focus on the knee yet, please. Keep me on the up and lighter side here :) . I'll expound on that later. It is ALWAYS something with me. Yes, it sure is....My IT band is still problematic, but so much better than 5 or 6 months ago. Hooray !

By the way, even though I tremendously sucked, the two lifts I did two weekends ago are currently IPA Womens 181 Raw World Records :) .... I really don't think it is compensation for having personally sucked, but, hey, yeah, I'll take them, be happy, and move on.

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