Saturday, May 19, 2007

Curvier Physique

There is absolutly no reason to elaborate on last night's training. I was dragging all day, tossed and turned and was awake most of Thursday night. I worked all day with a client showing property, so I had no time to rest, hence I was feeling like a wet dishtowel by the time I got to the gym. And the weather didn't help -what gives?? Cold, grey, damp, windy...that's enough to sap anybody's energy. It is supposed to be spring, but the weather here has been blahhhhhh. I waited with excitement all week to go in and play with the new Texas deadlift bar, but Kate was not in a playful state. My feet have been really hurting, too. I don't know what it really is, has been happening for years. In the center of the balls of my feet it gets to where it feels like my feet are splitting apart when I walk. It comes on every once in awhile, and for some reason something spurred it on last week. Yesterday the weight of the deadlifts were enough to agravate the left one so bad that just standing on it was aggravating it - VERY painful, like a foot on fire. I pulled my shoe and sock off to look, and sure enough it was swollen. Obviously, I didn't do calves last night, and probably shouldn't for awhile.

We did deadlift, had to. There was a new Texas deadlift bar - but it certainly wasn't stellar - I am just so glad to have gotten through it without pulling my back out one week from....aaahaaa.....

Update on that foot situation - B looked it over carefully. He is diagnosing some kind of fluid retention right there in the middle of the balls of my feet. What spurs it on? ?????? Dunno -It comes, it goes, it is painful. This is why I do not often wear shoes with high heels or shoes without good padded support under the balls of my feet. I walk, it feels like my foot is splitting apart. What to do about it??????? Dunno -

My physique is going to look soooooooooo different on stage this year. I'll be coming in with a lot more "curves", rounder, less angular than before. I already don't quite recognize myself when I look in the mirror in certain poses.I'm not so sure I'll be as dry onstage, but THAT is obviuosly not what the judges are looking for these days. I like the dry look, though, but we'll see. It's nine weeks out now and we still have some experimenting to do before I step on stage. I did mail my entry out the other day, so I WILL be at the Masters' Nationals.


JC said...

need a foot massage?

Christine said...

Make sure you didn't tear the fascia on your foot, that would account for fluid retention. Foot pain sucks!

JC said...

go with what YOU like. forget the judges. do it for YOU

Kate Baird said...

The foot thing has been going on for 20 years give or take...two days later and the pain has subsided.
Yes, I'm a sucker for a foot massage!!

JC said...

well, then let me rub it! :)