the 4th annual APA Delaware

Power Classic was FANTASTICALLY AWESOME!!!! As always, held at The Training Center in New Castle DE, on Saturday, May 10, 2009.
First the lifters - when I started lifting 4 years ago RAW was the underdog to geared lifting. Now it is growing wider acceptance and I couldn't be more thrilled. Most of my lifters were raw. Ben Brand SHW hit a 2150 RAW total!!! 820/630/700 - and it all looked way too easy.

Scott Yard did his second ever raw meet (after being one of the top ranked gearedlifters for a few years running)and totalled and incredible 1980 at 275. We had several world records set on this day. So many good lifters participated, whether there were records set or not... my applause and thank yous to all of them. OK, yes - I lifted...I was not going to, but I had to reclaim my APA 165 raw world bench women's masters record. When else was I going to have the chance to do so???? I dieted my ass off to get to 165 (164.6 to be exact). I put up a 275. Yes that was good enough to win the rocord back ! :) On my way back up in weight when I am fueling UP not DOWN in food, not prepping for a bodybuilding show, and when I'm NOT running the meet (cannot do this anymore!!!!) and when I don't have a strained forearm - I'll up that record poundage again, I promise!

Thank you as always Big Al Fortney for being my designated wrist wrapper. Mark Caserta - I wouldn't have gone through with the benching if it wasn't for your encouragement and help in the warm-up room and platform. and Thank you to Gene and Ame Rychlak, (IPA),who came down from PA out of the goodness of their hearts to help me out at this meet. Two totally awesome people!!! Tone Barbaccio- I love you dude - you are such an assett at my meets, as well as all of the Dynamo Club gang out of Rising Sun MD - Matt Wilson, Greg and Dave Murray, Danny Blankenship, all you other guys whose names I do not know - lol - it is because of you guys that this meet is such the event that it has become. George Wilson - even though you were illin' and could not stay, you know I could NOT do any of this without your support, and you are the best training partner EVER!!! AND last and in no way least but most of all - Len Walker - my do you stay so calm through all of this??? Thank you Len!!! Special thank you to DeBorah Better for staying to help put the gym back together - girl, heal up so you can lift next time!