How about that Renato Nunes on Chicken on a Chain for 95.75 ?!!! Holy Cow (that's a pun!)!!!
Renato makes it looks as if the Bull is the one who has to conquer Renato, instead of the other way around.
I'm still feeling very,very good physically (what's up with that?!!) albeit a bit tired, but that's just because it is the last week of February - the longest week of the year, especially on a leap year! At least the sun is shining this morning. Those cold, grey,damp February days just bite me up.
Isn't there a rumor that when you see the Robin Red Breast, it is a sign of Spring? I saw two of them the other day, so I am hopeful.
Monday - legs. Good session tho' uneventful. Hammer Strength leg presses...I used to not like that machine, but I have definitely grown to like it alot. As much as one can like a leg press, anyway...
Benches last night. They went well, very well. I have been tryingto incorporate a wrist rotation for, gosh, a really, really long time. Last night I was able to finally bring that in, though a couple of times on the last few hard presses I did forget to rotate. 245 x 7(and some help on #8) and 285 x 3. (yes, all paused) GW said they looked really good, tight and solid, but most importantly they FELT like the bench I have been wanting for so long.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Deadlifting - I am trying all kinds of things to try to keep that friggin' bar from hitting those spots right above my knees. Not only am I building up scar tissue there, but I am tired of being a bloody mess every time I deadlift. Wide feet, close feet, sit back further, adjust this and that - no deal, short of holding the bar way out from my legs, and that obviously won't work... Boy, was I sore this morning. I had trouble arising from a laying position to standing. I guess I deadlifted hard last night. Good thing Midway Fitness has that terrific, spacious and relaxing whirpool to soak in!!! Aaaaaaaaaahhhh -
I haven't been sore in my hips and low back like this for awhile. I'm trying to work on this little "moment" in my deadlifting. Right there after I grasp the bar, I need to just go. If I have even one split second of slowing down, hesitation, questioning my grip or stance, it all becomes lost. That's where some people focus, but I need to just rip it. I've not been able to just let go and rip the past several times I've deadlifted. I can still get 405 on my off days, but I want 405 x multiple every that too much for a girl to ask? Actually, I admit, my legs were still just a bit beat up from "delving" in on Monday, but it was as usual a great back workout. I have to keep trying to keep up w/ GW... he puts me to shame with all of that energy he has sometimes. (Keep feeding me those pancakes, GW and I'll be able to keep hangin' !)
And - I have to stop questioning the bar once it does come off of the ground. Like - it gets to about mid-shin and I mentally question to myself - "is it really moving?" Why do I do that? If it moves, just go with it. I'm not sure if I can explain that, but it is a problem I am consistently working on. Confidence, I suppose, is the key there.
I still am entirely not fond of training my biceps.
Have younz ever seen the show Intervention? I cannot watch that show without using a half a box of kleenex to get through it. I just cannot imagine the mental anguish some people live with and go through to get to such low points in their lives. Every time I watch it, whatever episode is on stays with me for days - it is probably a good show for teenagers to be mandated to watch so they can see the unglamorous side of addictions. I would be pulling my son in to watch it with me, but he is not with me on Monday evenings. So far, he is a wonderful kid, but the ever- analyzing Mommy radar is always on the alert!!!
I haven't been sore in my hips and low back like this for awhile. I'm trying to work on this little "moment" in my deadlifting. Right there after I grasp the bar, I need to just go. If I have even one split second of slowing down, hesitation, questioning my grip or stance, it all becomes lost. That's where some people focus, but I need to just rip it. I've not been able to just let go and rip the past several times I've deadlifted. I can still get 405 on my off days, but I want 405 x multiple every that too much for a girl to ask? Actually, I admit, my legs were still just a bit beat up from "delving" in on Monday, but it was as usual a great back workout. I have to keep trying to keep up w/ GW... he puts me to shame with all of that energy he has sometimes. (Keep feeding me those pancakes, GW and I'll be able to keep hangin' !)
And - I have to stop questioning the bar once it does come off of the ground. Like - it gets to about mid-shin and I mentally question to myself - "is it really moving?" Why do I do that? If it moves, just go with it. I'm not sure if I can explain that, but it is a problem I am consistently working on. Confidence, I suppose, is the key there.
I still am entirely not fond of training my biceps.
Have younz ever seen the show Intervention? I cannot watch that show without using a half a box of kleenex to get through it. I just cannot imagine the mental anguish some people live with and go through to get to such low points in their lives. Every time I watch it, whatever episode is on stays with me for days - it is probably a good show for teenagers to be mandated to watch so they can see the unglamorous side of addictions. I would be pulling my son in to watch it with me, but he is not with me on Monday evenings. So far, he is a wonderful kid, but the ever- analyzing Mommy radar is always on the alert!!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I have now officially "delved" back into training, though I have still stopped a couple of sets short of the usual volume. GW and I squatted the other night - it went well. Both of us needed to get reaquainted with having the bar across our backs. Both of us did three sets w/ 315 7 - 10 reps no wraps or anything. It is Thursday, and my legs are still a bit sore!
Last night we trained with "Broc the Rock". 20 years old - oh to be young and innocent again - snicker :) - I didn't feel like my full strength was there, but the usual poundage did go upward.
275 for three (yes, always paused) and then a 315 touch and go...did a negative 365. B told me once I should be doing negatives with 405 at this point... perhaps 385 ? , but I'm thinking 405 would just kind of go WHUMP once it left the rack???

I was elected the DE State APA Chairman the other day...
Here are a few photos from the meet - my favorite is UGA the bull dog puppy - Paul and Marisol's new baby, mascot of the Firm Fitness Center! He is absolutely the cutest doggie in existence!
The gang I gues I'll call "Team Firm" -Broc Townsend, Paul Timmons, Marisol Alarcon, and Guilherme Oliveira.
Little Marisol deadlifted a state record for a 245 pull at 116.8 lb
Last night we trained with "Broc the Rock". 20 years old - oh to be young and innocent again - snicker :) - I didn't feel like my full strength was there, but the usual poundage did go upward.
275 for three (yes, always paused) and then a 315 touch and go...did a negative 365. B told me once I should be doing negatives with 405 at this point... perhaps 385 ? , but I'm thinking 405 would just kind of go WHUMP once it left the rack???
I was elected the DE State APA Chairman the other day...
Here are a few photos from the meet - my favorite is UGA the bull dog puppy - Paul and Marisol's new baby, mascot of the Firm Fitness Center! He is absolutely the cutest doggie in existence!
The gang I gues I'll call "Team Firm" -Broc Townsend, Paul Timmons, Marisol Alarcon, and Guilherme Oliveira.
Little Marisol deadlifted a state record for a 245 pull at 116.8 lb
Sunday, February 17, 2008
IronFest a Success!
Apologies for ignoring my blog posting for so long ~ I have been BIZZY!! Thankfully, my real estate business is going through some up times, rather than seeing the flat line that so many real estate agents are seeing on a regular basis.
I've been feeling healthy these past couple of weeks! My son did have a 104 + temperature yesterday, however, and I'm praying alot and washing my hands with 99% isopropyl alcohol frequently. No more being sick, puhleeeez!!! Hopefully I've already had what he has - it is hard to tell!
I haven't yet DELVED back into training...not YET! I've been doing half volume sessions, and stepping back from the crazy intensity schemes. Just getting back to normal is feeling good, though mentally it is tough to hold back!
Yesterday was the DE Open IronFest and Firm Fitness Challenge! It was a BLAST! I am so extremely blessed to have had such a great crew helping me out with this meet! It could not have run smoother or better! Thank you George Wilson, Mike Pennington, Dan Long, Billy Eastridge, Len Walker, Teri Mangini, Justine Dohring, (and Dave ? for the use of your pick up truck to hoist the bench in.) Joel Goldberg - Species man - brought all kinds of goodies from Species Nutrition ( and Alan Thomas sent his usual box o' goodies from APT ( I was able to raffle off $125 of tickets for gift bags full of both of their wares. Once again, I will donate the monies to Special Olympics of Delaware (always in honor of my hero - Jon Stoklosa and his dad Hank).
We only had 16 total competitors, but most of them did multiple events. I was very pleased to see some regular competitors from my past meets, and some new ones. I truly think the highlight of my day was seeing little Marisol Alarcon do the deadlift for reps! Women had to use bodyweight - she used 120 lbs, and did an amazing 50 reps! And that was AFTER she set a state record in her weight class in the regular deadlift! I am sure she is a-hurtin' today! Many of the lifters hit PRs, and there may be more records set, but I have yet to review the records lists. Mark Obey's 35 reps at 160 lbs. looked EFFORTLESS until the last one...geez...and Guilherme Oleivera was the sole Tire flipper who set a new PR and house record! I'm going to have to include those special events in more of the meets.
Paul Timmons was a real trooper letting us overtake his gym(Firm Fitness Center in Rehoboth Beach DE) for the day. Of course, he was set on setting a deadlift record himself, which he did in the 165 raw division of 485. YAY Paul! was a good day!
I hope to be back to my regular training this week!
I've been feeling healthy these past couple of weeks! My son did have a 104 + temperature yesterday, however, and I'm praying alot and washing my hands with 99% isopropyl alcohol frequently. No more being sick, puhleeeez!!! Hopefully I've already had what he has - it is hard to tell!
I haven't yet DELVED back into training...not YET! I've been doing half volume sessions, and stepping back from the crazy intensity schemes. Just getting back to normal is feeling good, though mentally it is tough to hold back!
Yesterday was the DE Open IronFest and Firm Fitness Challenge! It was a BLAST! I am so extremely blessed to have had such a great crew helping me out with this meet! It could not have run smoother or better! Thank you George Wilson, Mike Pennington, Dan Long, Billy Eastridge, Len Walker, Teri Mangini, Justine Dohring, (and Dave ? for the use of your pick up truck to hoist the bench in.) Joel Goldberg - Species man - brought all kinds of goodies from Species Nutrition ( and Alan Thomas sent his usual box o' goodies from APT ( I was able to raffle off $125 of tickets for gift bags full of both of their wares. Once again, I will donate the monies to Special Olympics of Delaware (always in honor of my hero - Jon Stoklosa and his dad Hank).
We only had 16 total competitors, but most of them did multiple events. I was very pleased to see some regular competitors from my past meets, and some new ones. I truly think the highlight of my day was seeing little Marisol Alarcon do the deadlift for reps! Women had to use bodyweight - she used 120 lbs, and did an amazing 50 reps! And that was AFTER she set a state record in her weight class in the regular deadlift! I am sure she is a-hurtin' today! Many of the lifters hit PRs, and there may be more records set, but I have yet to review the records lists. Mark Obey's 35 reps at 160 lbs. looked EFFORTLESS until the last one...geez...and Guilherme Oleivera was the sole Tire flipper who set a new PR and house record! I'm going to have to include those special events in more of the meets.
Paul Timmons was a real trooper letting us overtake his gym(Firm Fitness Center in Rehoboth Beach DE) for the day. Of course, he was set on setting a deadlift record himself, which he did in the 165 raw division of 485. YAY Paul! was a good day!
I hope to be back to my regular training this week!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Climbing out of the Hole
What is winter on the Delamarva peninsula like? Today it is 72 degrees, not sunny, but warm. This Sunday it is supposed to be 32 degrees and snow. That's a typical winter on the Delmarva Penisnsula - up and down weather. No wonder we all get sick.
I started feeling better the very end of last week, but still had a few days of antibiotics, and let me tell you, antibiotics kick my butt! Now I am through the meds, but the wrath of being sick for a month and two rounds of antibiotics has caught up to me. I am dragging not only butt, but face.
I'm won't be bouncing back, it will be more like a slow climb out of the hole. It will remain to be seen what it does to my July plans and expectations for the Masters.
Then I had to finally get that tooth in my mouth drilled off yesterday, so we can crown it. I'm sure all of that novacaine in my face and the invasion itself doesn't help with the recovery.
I weigh under 170 today. I'm so worn out, boys and girls.
I went for a walk Sunday, because I woke up feeling great! But I still had the meds in my system - I got a couple of blocks down the street then realized that it was probably not in my best interests to be out there walking, but I still had to turn around and cover the distance home. Wow - that was a horrible experience. Needless to say, I still feel very weak, hence I'm not even thinking about hefting around big pounds - I'm just thinking that I need to get my big butt healthy, or I may as well consider falling completely apart.
I did go for a longer walk last evening, however, and it was a much better experience, albeit strange to consider walking such a big to-do physically.
DE Open IronFest next weekend - February 16th! Shaping up to be a decent event. I was more fearful that it would be too big of an event for the facilities, so I kept the marketing down. I think it will be just as Baby Bear likes - just right... we are being sponsored by APT Prowriststraps - thank you dear ALAN THOMAS! And also by Species Nutrition, thank you Joel Goldberg!
We've got an "eclectic" roster of competitors, and I'm looking forward to seeing them lift.
I started feeling better the very end of last week, but still had a few days of antibiotics, and let me tell you, antibiotics kick my butt! Now I am through the meds, but the wrath of being sick for a month and two rounds of antibiotics has caught up to me. I am dragging not only butt, but face.
I'm won't be bouncing back, it will be more like a slow climb out of the hole. It will remain to be seen what it does to my July plans and expectations for the Masters.
Then I had to finally get that tooth in my mouth drilled off yesterday, so we can crown it. I'm sure all of that novacaine in my face and the invasion itself doesn't help with the recovery.
I weigh under 170 today. I'm so worn out, boys and girls.
I went for a walk Sunday, because I woke up feeling great! But I still had the meds in my system - I got a couple of blocks down the street then realized that it was probably not in my best interests to be out there walking, but I still had to turn around and cover the distance home. Wow - that was a horrible experience. Needless to say, I still feel very weak, hence I'm not even thinking about hefting around big pounds - I'm just thinking that I need to get my big butt healthy, or I may as well consider falling completely apart.
I did go for a longer walk last evening, however, and it was a much better experience, albeit strange to consider walking such a big to-do physically.
DE Open IronFest next weekend - February 16th! Shaping up to be a decent event. I was more fearful that it would be too big of an event for the facilities, so I kept the marketing down. I think it will be just as Baby Bear likes - just right... we are being sponsored by APT Prowriststraps - thank you dear ALAN THOMAS! And also by Species Nutrition, thank you Joel Goldberg!
We've got an "eclectic" roster of competitors, and I'm looking forward to seeing them lift.
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