What a whirlwind of a weekend in Pittsburgh!!!! I loved just about every minute of the adventure.
This is going to be somewhat of a lengthy posting today. I am feeling quite happy and blessed these days, not just because I placed well in the show, but because I have such special and wonderful people in my life to help get me through it! I want to take some time to thank some of them, who for without thier friendship, support, encouragement, I would not be in this good place I am in right now.
It was a long road to the Masters this year(in case you DON"T know I placed 3rd in the Over 45 HVW - out of 18 competitors). I started wayyyy back in the end of February on my diet to make it down to the 181's for the IPA power meet, had a whole week to recover ( absolutely NOT enough time) before starting the official

diet for the Masters. I lost 41 pounds - weighed in at 148. OMG do I feel the wrath. And no, I shouldn't have benched at the DPC on May 10th, but I HAD to have that 165 lb. raw bench record back.. I was like a blood thirsty dog. If I had tried to do that even a week later I bet I would not have made it. My strength just PLUMMETED back around that point.. It WILL take a while to recover, and I am going to adhere to the mandatory rest. Slow and steady....really, REALLY!!!!
I feel we nailed my conditioning ALMOST to perfection....won't say the one minor thing that may have chiseled me in one extra iota, but yes, nearly perfect. My prep guy knows of what I speak...lol....
And for that near perfect conditioning I thank my prep coach, who believed in me and said that I could hold my own up on that stage, and worked with me through my hypoglycemic adversities and insomniatic psychosis....and my regular psychosis too.... hah!
He has become a true and treasured friend. Even before his agreement to coach me through to this show I knew I had met not only a brilliant individual, but a very giving soul and heck, a really funny guy! (Botox for the laugh lines are in order for NEXT year)
My training partner - George Wilson, who ALWAYS puts my trainng needs and concerns first in the gym. That is because he really CARES. He is the best trainng partner one could ever wish for, and one of the best friends one could ever wish for too. Beth Beitzel, his girlfriend, I give many thanks to as well.
My son, Slater, who just puts up with his mom's passion of "lifting heavy random bars with big round circles on the ends." The poor kid has barely had any homecooked nutritious meals for months...(ok, ok - I just used the diet as an excuse - I hate to cook - HAH!) He is a good kid with tons of musical and artistic talent. I encourage and foster his endeavors, as music is his true essence and passion.Thank you God for blessing me with my son.
Jody Hudson, my friend and business partner, who we lost very suddenly this past November. I miss him terribly. I did see the sign you sent me on the drive to Pittsburgh. I know what it meant. I know you were watching. I know you are proud. Thank you for putting up with my obsessive shennanigans for all those years. Thank you for giving me the time and space.
Jack Osborne, owner of the Training Center in New Castle DE - a fantastic bodybuilder in his own right. Jack has done so much for me over the past 5 years, supporting me in both my bodybuilding AND powerlifting endeavors. I hope to see Jack back up on the stage at the Masters next year once again.
The gang at Midway Fitness, and also the gang at The Firm Fitness Center, both in Rehoboth Beach DE. Always supportive and encouraging. Small compliments on down days always go far to pick me up on hard days in the gym. Marti Spiker -owner of Midway, and Paul Timmons, owner of the Firm - my forever gratitude for your support in both my bodybuilding and powerlifting endeavors. I can be a maniac in the gym, but I try to be a considerate maniac.
Rob Haas - what can I say different that means thank you ..? Yah've been there cheering me on even before I met you. Now, go catch me some more fresh tuna steaks, please, because I can eat them with teriyaki sauce now that I'm not dieting.... BIG MAJOR HUGS to you!
Tony Paradiso - I whined to you alot the past few months, I'm sorry..but you knew where I was coming from. You helped me ALOT on all of those bad days I whined to you. Now I can eat pudding again :)
Bill Jentz , who I thank for his honesty and unique friendship over the past few years. You ALWAYS make me feel like a winner!
Joel Goldberg, always for his kind support , but also for telling me I had absolutely no potential to be a bodybuilder - where do you think some of the extra fire and drive came from big guy????? Hmmm??????
Michele Thorington, a beautiful woman whom I just met and roomed with for 4 da

ys during this event.So kind and helpful,not just to me but to everyone. She competed in the Over 35 and Over 45 Figure Class E. She didnt place as well as she should have, really...she looked great. Really she did. But she will keep her head up and drive forward and use her gut next time and steal the show! I think we shall remain great friends for a long time to come.
Dilbert, you know why I thank you... It all turned out ok though in the end. I am so grateful for your kindness.
And most recently the most wonderful man I know - Christopher Annino - TANK - who has enriched my life, my heart, my soul in so many ways. The ONLY person who has ever been able to get me to relax!!! LOL. I wore an extra layer of confidence and self-esteem because of you Chris. Even though you couldn't be there physically, I still held you with me throughout the entire event You can only be described by me as simply the best man that there is on this earth.
Masters Nationals 2010 - I will be there!