Monday, July 23, 2007

2007 Masters Nationals weekend

I arrived back home about two hours ago, and heck, am I literally drained down to zero battery power! I started at about 700 mph at the beginning of last week getting ready for the trip, escalated up to around 1500 mph when we arrived in Pittsburgh, and just kept amping up from there!

We had a BLAST! Pittsburgh is even better now than I remember it when I lived and went to school there back in 1981.

Anyhooooo - I have alot to say and tell, but I am literally depleted, worn out, drained, exhausted... I'll get to a longer post perhaps tomorrow.
I just wanted to congratulate Debbie Bramwell one more time on her well deserved accomplishment in winning her pro card. I told her directly, and I truly believe no one will be a better positive representative for the sport of bodybuilding than she. She is just a true gem of a person, and she would be a shining star in anything she choses to do, not just bodybuilding.

My first national contest was the 2005 USA, and I just happened to be placed in line and on stage next to Debbie. I had only been training for a year and a half total, and many times the thought of "what the Hell am I thinking being here on stage with these seasoned competitors?"crossed my mind, but Debbie was a big factor in making me feel more relaxed and made the experience for me so much more positive. I saw her do the same thing for a sweet pretty figure girl doing her first show this weekend. What a heart!
Then there is Debbie's physique! I was honored to be the one to oil her up for pre-judging, and YES! those glutes are as hard as they look! She puts her heart and soul into the sport. I wish her well in every future competiton she does, and I also wish her well in everything else she does!
A beautiful lady - inside and out!
Oh - me, I placed 7th out of 12 competitors... I'm really not sure if the judges just ignore me, or I actually confuse them. I'll elaborate in the next post.
ALSO - I hope Michelle Neill gets her due at the USA next weekend. She was in tremendous shape...I looked at her, looked at Debbie, and decided I wasn't even going to do my own comparisons. I only got to talk to Michelle a couple of times briefly, but she seems to be such a genuinely sweet, nice and extremely pretty lady - and my God, what conditioning! Knock em' dead next week, Michelle!


JC said...

glad you had a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Would have been great to have Debbie with her back to the camera - that girl has an ass on her! Oh hell, you both should have ;)