Sunday, September 09, 2007

Remember I said this - I will weigh-in at the Masters Nationals next year at 162, in the best condition of my life. :) You've got 10 and a half months to begin to believe me!

WOW! Do I feel really good right now. Four lengthy intense adjustments this week, a bit o' massage here and there, and some hot whirpool therapy this afternoon, coupled with a few hours on the beach this past week collecting sunshine for no reason other than that, and hanging in the waters of the bay here and there, almost makes me want to really start to explore the meaning of "relax" more often.....I dunno....could I stand to become less wound - I doubt it!! LOL
My hip feels just about normal at this very moment. Though I appreciate all younz who e-mail me and are concerned about my plight, the advice about big weights and wear and tear on my hip ...well, that is not the cause of my pains. Granted, it's not helping it heal, but it is not the direct cause. The times that I feel most aggravated are after walking and driving long distances, not after squatting 400+ pounds in the gym.
B was playing around with my hip and socket the other night, and he made a noteworthy remark. He thinks that I have a chip or divet in my hip socket that is causing the ball joint to catch and throw itself out.
Here is the news that is hard to swallow- after making such a stink for so long that I do not do "cardio", I may actually have to change my habits. If walking is tearing me apart, I have to do something else. I may have to hop on a machine here and there...though bicycling on a stationary bike has always aggravated my hip flexors, and the eliptical jars my lower back - the Step Mill is about the only machine I can hang with. Perahps real stairs for 20 minutes or so, or I may have to drive to the beach where the sand is level near the water and take walks on the sand there. It may not seem such a big deal to those who do hours upon hours of "cardio" a week, but it's a change. I'll do what I need to do.
Maybe I'll try some sprinting on the beach...or some other type of real cardio as opposed to "cardio". I'll keep you posted on that.

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